Find your
amidst all
the noise.
We provide a grounding and safe space where you can explore your emotions.

Feel Better
Break away from feelings of chaos, muddled emotions and overwhelming troubles.

Explore the best ways to show up for yourself and the people you care about.

Do Better
Discover how a regulated, healthy, and unfaltering version of you can transform your life.
We hold space for you and whatever it is you would like to talk about, fully present and without judgement.
Obsessive Compulsive
Job Loss
Obsessive Compulsive
Job Loss

I learnt to let go and change my parenting style. I treat them as young adult now to let them make their own decision. My anxiety reduced and they are more happy and independent now. (especially in my son). Never expected that father changed, the kids also started to change. I believe before I had past lot of my anxiety to the children to make them more anxious. Thanks for your magic words “self-care” and advised me to let my son take responsibility of his own decision and actions. Your strategy worked 🙂
– YY

I think it’s really my greatest good fortune to have met u that allowed me to be a person that don’t let my past define me and empower me to bring out that side of me. no one hears my heart or intentions like you do. I’ve mad respect for you and your heart. you let me feel comfortable talking to you like I’m talking to another human being. i think that’s rare in therapy.
– AT, 28yo, attachment injuries with parents

And I’ve really wanted to express my appreciation to you! U’ve witness and walk with me through my difficulties time. You are one of my most stable support through this period when my husband cheated on me, and u let me to find my real self, and let me see and find my better self!!!!!! Here I am, I’ve never thought that I can be the “best of best” in my job! Really thank you 🙏
– tym, 37yo, divorced
Frequently Asked
但有三种情况 我们是 无法 保密的。这三种情况是:
– when you are of threat to yourself,
– when you are of threat to others, or
– when the court of law requires the information
两位都是心理健康专家。 治疗方法。 精神科医生通过开药来提供帮助,而临床心理学家则采用多种辅导方法。
只要在预定时间的 24小时前 通知我们就能避免费用。
Each session is 60 minutes. Some clients request for a 90-minute session and that’s fine too. For optimal results, a session should not go beyond 90 minutes. You can ask your therapist for an extension of a session if you feel it will help.
Consultation with a psychologist: SGD$250/hr
Consultation with a counsellor: SGD$200/hr (individual); SGD$300/hr (couple)
Consultation with a career coach: SGD$100/hr
咨询的数量取决于您要处理的问题。一些客户在 4个疗程内实现了目标。有些则需要10到12次的咨询(短期目标)。定期长期咨询也可以形成您个人心理健康的一部分。
Getting Started

Free 10-Min
Discover how a regulated, healthy, and unfaltering version of you can transform your life.

Fill up an electronic registration form.

Book an Appointment
A link will be provided for you to select a slot. You’re all set for your first session!
Our Studio
76 Playfair Road, Lobby 1
#04-02, Singapore 367996
Therapy Hours